Monday, July 22, 2024

On U.S. politics

 Proverbs 21:2

King James Version

2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: 

but the Lord pondereth the hearts.

I am looking into the U.S. right now.

Actually, for nearly five years now.

Since GOD made me born again in 2019.

Why did He lead me to Bible prophecy right away?

Why specifically regarding judgment on the U.S.?

The U.S. remains the most powerful nation on earth, at the moment.

Her future president's policies will affect EVERY country in the world.

Probably more than at any other time in history.

Only because nothing in the world makes sense anymore.

It is critical the U.S. elect a worthy president.

A staunch, and GOD-fearing one.

Would politics be able to deliver such a president?

Only GOD knows.

So, let's have a look at a couple of presidents.

And a potential one.

What have I observed since Trump stepped down in 2020?

Some "controlled demolition", owing to strange policies.

What have I come to know today?

Biden won't seek re-election.

Another point of concern?

He recommended Harris in his place.

What of Trump?

Does he really care for JESUS?

What of the citizens?

Are they asleep, awake, afraid, or even bullied?

How about other candidates?

Only GOD has knowledge, and control, over that.

I'm not into politics.

My focus is the WORD of GOD.

I like looking into the real "spirit" behind people.

Is it from the SPIRIT of GOD, or from another?

All I know is if something is sanctioned by GOD, it shall be so.

Whether it is an unruly ruler, or a decent ruler.

SPIRIT and I wrote a series of articles on that:

The people of ISRAEL sin against GOD

GOD gives ISRAEL the king THEY want

When GOD decides on a KING

As workman, watchman, and warrior for CHRIST, I am tasked by SPIRIT to tell you of GOD's laws.

We do not think as the world does.

I look to JESUS to guide me, that I may not err.

And not cause others to err, too.

We point out "road blocks" that influence man's thinking.

Through the LIGHT of JESUS, and His perfect gospel.

With the objective we see clearly, through CHRIST.

People mock Joe Biden and his health issues.

But my heart goes out to him.

All because of TWO things:

First, he suffered greatly when he lost his wife and one-year-old daughter in 1972, in an automobile accident.

This, as they were to shop for Christmas.

Can you imagine the tragedy?

But that's not all.

His three-year-old son had a "broken leg and other wounds".

His two-year-old son had a "minor skull fracture and other head injuries".

Most touching of all was Biden's decision to resign, so he could "care for them".

But he was dissuaded from doing so by another colleague.

This accident happened as  he was just a few weeks elected as senator.

"Biden contemplated suicide and was filled with anger and religious doubt.[54][55] He wrote that he "felt God had played a horrible trick" on him,[56] and had trouble focusing on work."

-- Wikipedia

From a brief victory, to a lengthy tragedy.

Even with heart, we cannot imagine such pain.

Only by the GRACE of GOD can anyone survive such.

Second, Biden also has had brain surgery.

"In February 1988, after several episodes of increasingly severe neck pain, Biden underwent surgery to correct a leaking intracranial berry aneurysm.[111][112] While recuperating, he suffered a pulmonary embolism, a serious complication.[112] After a second aneurysm was surgically repaired in May,[112][113] Biden's recuperation kept him away from the Senate for seven months."

-- Wikipedia

Who's laughing now?

We haven't been in Biden's shoes.

Why should people laugh at him?

The world can be cruel, indeed.

Not to mention the resulting betrayals.

After he "failed" to perform at the debate with Trump.

He was urged to step down from his candidacy.

Not to mean he's innocent, and unknowing.

Why did he allow himself to be president, knowing his health issues?

Why did people use him, knowing he had health issues, which only progressed with age?

Was it to place Harris as VP and "understudy", for a future "takeover"?

Or did Biden endorse Harris to anger his co-democrats?

Do other party members have another candidate in mind?

When it's world power we're talking about, you can imagine the betrayals, and turbulence.

I also don't only look to the president.

I also look to the vice president.

When the president fails/falls, the VP takes over, constitutionally.

Remember how Jackie Kennedy, in her blood-splattered dress, stood beside Lyndon Johnson, as he took his oath of office?

This, soon after John F. Kennedy was assassinated on 22 November 1963 in Dallas, Texas.

Again, I can only look at the first lady in commiseration, unable to imagine her shock, pain, and loss.

Rudely plucked from her shocked state, and private grief, for the nation could not be made to wait.

It's no party being president, faced with tons of problems, and dissension from within, and without.

Not to mention the demands and expectations from those who "pull the strings" and hold the "purse strings".

In Biden's case, won't that aggravate your past surgery?

Apart from the consequences  of one's advancing age.

For myself, I dearly pray for his complete recovery.

From health, and betrayal.

May he turn to JESUS, for complete healing.

In his fragile state, it is merciful he doesn't know (or remember) how people are treating him at this stage in his life.

Such is human nature -- no sense of gratitude, or respect.

No one is immune from being "dropped", once we "have outlived our usefulness".

Expect no love from the world.

My concern about Kamala Harris?

May she not have her father's Marxist beliefs.

May she be uninfluenced by her mother's Hindu beliefs.

May she be a true Baptist.

May she not push abortion rights.

May she not have a Jezebel spirit in her.

May she be a godly woman after GOD's heart.

And what of Donald Trump?

Would GOD allow him another term as president?

Does he really love Israel?

Does he really love JESUS?

Is he being supported by the right Christians?

Perhaps, he will do better this time.

Knowing he must leave a legacy.

We have to remind people of an important verse.

Which GOD told king Solomon.

For America is under judgment:

2 Chronicles 7:14

King James Version

14 If my people, 

which are called by my name, 

shall humble themselves, 

and pray, 

and seek my face, 

and turn from their wicked ways; 

then will I hear from heaven, 

and will forgive their sin, 

and will heal their land.

The continuing success of America depends  on these things:

Her love for GOD:

Exodus 20:3

King James Version

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Her belief in JESUS, and love for others:

1 John 3:23

King James Version

23 And this is his commandment, 

That we should believe 

on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, 

and love one another, 

as he gave us commandment.

Her acknowledgment of, and love for Israel:

Genesis 12:3

King James Version

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, 

and curse him that curseth thee: 

and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

It will all be about having a real love, and adoration, for GOD.

A full acceptance of the power of His Son, JESUS.

Perfect guidance from the HOLY SPIRIT.

A love for Israel, GOD's chosen nation.

As well as consistency, and authenticity.

Only GOD can determine America's heart, and true motives.

Only He knows America's destiny.

In the meantime, I await the results.

And in case you think all these apply to the U.S. only, not so.

GOD's LAWS apply to all leaders, nations, and citizens.

Proverbs 29:2

King James Version

2 When the righteous are in authority, 

the people rejoice: 

but when the wicked beareth rule, 

the people mourn.

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